Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Sarianna: "A Timing & Respect Lesson"

"Okay, I'm here!" Sarianna called as she rushed into the training arena. Quickly she kicked off her boots and let them fall as they willed. "Aliza's lesson ran late today," she continued as she removed her pack and tossed it to the floor as well. Hastily she tied back her long golden brown hair and then reached for the long wooden practice pole that hung just over her assigned bench, the place made to hold her belongings during training.

"STOP!" The sound was deep enough to boom, yet still pitched high enough for the internal ear to catch and the brain to translate. It translated enough to cause Sarianna to freeze in mid-stretch. It translated to deeper levels too, for her palms suddenly gained extra moisture and a knot formed in her throat that she didn't want to swallow due to the audible 'gulp' she knew it would make.

"Turn Around." The knot in her throat traded its self for one between her shoulder blades, which caused them to be drawn up towards her ears. Sarianna bit her bottom lip and held back a groan as she slowly turned around.

Ralpha, her trainer, her instructor, her Red Warrior, and replacement father stood in the warm sand at the other end of the training arena. A fact which she was glad of, to some degree, his penetrating gazed did not seem as forceful from that distance. But then he moved, step by step he advanced and filled the distance between them. Slow, powerful, and purposeful. Black hair caught the sun light that filtered through the uneven gaps of the wall planks and seemed to spark and ignite. Ironic, thought Sarianna in a small corner of her mind, considering his element is Fire.

Which means you are in for it Earth Sister... came a reply. At this Sarianna closed her eyes and gave into the groan, for it meant Talia had heard her and the Earth Warrior knew her blood father's moods better than anyone.

Sarianna opened her eyes and discovered a chain mail covered and armored chest crowded her line of sight. She lifted her eyes and saw no higher than a rough three day growth covered chin. With an internal twinge she lifted her own chin until greenish-blue eyes met a pair of brown ones that seemed to burn in a reddish-brown hue. No, this did not boe well for her at all.

"Have you learned nothing in your time here?" Sarianna wanted to groan and roll her eyes, but she had at least learned THAT was not a good idea or a wise move. Nor was the retort, "Sure! I've learned no matter what I do, you're going to find some type of fault with it." Something must of shown on her face though, or even in her eyes, for the reddish hue in her Instructor's eyes deepened; then his voice really did boom.

"I'm so Glad you finally decided to grace us with your presence. That you take Seriously what these lessons are for. The Saving Of Your Life And Others! That Respect and Diligence is so forefront within your mind you Take Care of even the smallest of Details! That no matter What you keep to Your Word and take into Consideration the Time of others!"

Something stirred and knotted within Sarianna's stomach. It grew stronger at each boom and emphazied word.

* * * * * work in progress * * * * *

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